Sweden must do this...

Sweden must
Lower fuel taxes
to continue inflate.
And to be able to present
a good consumer price index.


They can then claim
that there is no
And the funny part is
that everyone will
believe it.
They will believe it as in, the rest of the world just got expensier... Swedish brain will then be calculating that there must be avocado wars and tomato apocalypses going on. Also the banana boat happen to break down and besides that it will be Trumps fault. Trump made the rest of the world expensive. Maybe the television will report that there is environmental problems going on at the same time and that this affects the food prices, and since that word was used a trigger is pushed in the Swedish brain that makes the "individual" altruistically accept the new information, glad about learning something new and feeling a sense of being a good person. Also don't forget the highly educated old man in glasses that tells us that consumer price index is still stable and that the market is probably getting ready for a new bull market.
Swedish government financed radio "SR" invited "experts" to their morning show and they are saying that the reason that Swedes are not travelling abroad as much during vacation, compared to previous years, has to do with "Greta" and "flying shame".

source: friatider.se/larmet-ge-upp-allt-hopp-om-kronan

This is Sweden. These experts are obviously stupid but in a sense their stupidity represents the population pretty well. If you still live in Sweden and hate the system and its bureaucrats, just stop voting. If you stop voting you don't give your consent and the karma is on the "leaders" and the rest of the population. I vote only when the vote is for disassembly of government system or similar.

If we forget about karma for a while there is another perspective that show implications that skipping to vote is good. If you are a secret elite and you want to f#ck everyone over with democracy, you WANT people to vote to feel secure about your dominating position. If sheeple isn't voting anymore this restricts how much the elite can f#ck everyone over. They can't measure the distrust anymore, and the probability of other herd solutions erupting from the chaos of the human hive-mind increase. So don't vote. Don't engage in political ideas at all. You vote every day with you wallet and your willingness to open you mouth and speak.
More info about lowering fuel taxes.

If you lower fuel taxes you can brand it as something that proactively stop a situation as the yellow west movement in France. Don't forget that the yellow west movement was initiated by an anger and unmet demands of lower fuel prices. The politician pushing this forward would be seen as constructive force and maybe even as intelligent. Do you want to be seen as friendly, constructive and intelligent?

So... Then as I said earlier this would increase productivity of the economy since it's less costly to move stuff from point A to point B, in a way that would wipe away the grin on the faces of electric scooter owners.

There's now a big hole in the government spending budget. Don't worry you hansom politician, because this is modern time which means that there's no need of lowering government consumption just because of the decreased tax return into the budget (that's old school economics for the brown shirt nazis).

Simply print more money, because there's actually a Forbes article where a really smart expert claims that increase money printing does not increase inflation.



If you on the other hand don't lower fuel prices this would mean that you have no index to lean upon and proudly claiming that "everything is fine".

Stock market would then burst, housing prices would collapse, pensions would be crushed, socialism would fail and criminality would skyrocket because of government hand-outs ending or being too small. With an inflating currency there's no way of carrying the weight of these numerous burdens because imports would need to be decreased.

As a final word of encouragement I would like to ask, if you have a basket of fruits and mold starts to grow, what do you do? If you wait too long all of the good fruit must be thrown into the rubbish bin to become fertilizer. Since we have governments that are inefficient it would rather end up thrown out window being run over a car and mixed with sand and dog pop. Just some days before some of the fruit in that bowl was still fresh. Now it's a brown broken down apple with poop allover.
Lately a police structure in Sweden has been blown up. A bit after that another bomb blew up. Another place some days later a woman was shot in her head while carrying a baby in hear arms. Swedish "citizens" has been going to neighboring countries lately, spreading cultural enrichment by blowing up the danish tax agency and shooting at Finnish police. A Swedish police officer in Sweden has drawn his weapon towards another officer, when being off duty.

Welcome to Sweden.
Sweden needs to make loans so they can buy back their credibility, from the population itself. Since the average Joe Blow currently is 99% of the population, the economical part is a minor concern.
Sweden needs to make multiculruralism great again by printing money to cover up the costs. And continue to cover up the racial demographic crime statistic (that's why you can't find all the statistics you want about Sweden on the internet).

So print money to cover up costs, whilst lowering fuel prices and everything is "fine" again... Then the multicultural utopia can continue. Also you must indeed continue to punish the elderly that talk in anger about this (they can't learn the new code of conduct, probably because of their rigid minds, so they frequently end up punished in Sweden, old sweet grandmothers and such get sued, whilst serious crime rampages).

Welcome to Sweden,
Swedish media is starting to push news about a recession being here and implying on market crash. I don't believe so. Instead the currency will keep on collapsing.
The average Swede is the best slave imaginable. They are really intelligent but still naive. Besides that they score top stats in altruism. With a specially reserved slot for brain washing user input, in the brain, with nerves going everywhere, they are the ideal robot. Therefore the market will not crash... Also besides the good sides of high IQ, there are several bad sides, like the danger of abstract thought. Well you may think I'm just the same and in a way I am being a Swede, but my absurd fantasies happen t coincide what later unfolds. The dangers of abstract reasoning is that intelligent people are able to imagine and precieve utopias, using approximations just like engineers and physics researchers basing everything (calculations) on perfect circles, squares, cubes, spheres and cylinders. The fact that basically every physical formula existion today is actually a lie in a way since they're all approximations, but in the mind of the student that is to learn them it is viewed in a kind of perfect beauty, with everything understood as long as it is spheres, cylinders. It gives a false sense of understanding, sine the intuition that now understands something is based on approximations, and worst of all beautiful approximations that kind of make sense.
Fuel price in Sweden is plummeting...
Order cancelled
After corona crisis I now have a new view on the swedish situation that I describe in this video: youtube.com/watch?v=kdqnt8x62mA
Basically it's too late to inflate, deflation is coming and damage crontrol needsw to be prioritized... youtube.com/watch?v=kdqnt8x62mA
Beyond Technical Analysis
