SHIBArmy! Good job on raiding Wall Street Banksters. They are surrounded. No futures on this doggie, no ETFs, no paper to wipe this puppies butt! It's on fire ladies and gentlemen. Freeriding off amazing gains has never been so fine. Enjoy the ride up. When the masses want your shares, be nice and share. Keep at them, tell your friend to become SHIB millionaires and be part of the wall street BURN.
They print, we BURN! LOL
We need some soldiers from SHIBarmy to assist Mother of all mothers, Shiba Inu Dogecoin. The older gal is about to wake up to be named astronaut by her DogeFather. Don't miss the cheap tickets for the announcements, Just 25-26 pennies each! You can also buy a Tesla with Doge, WOW. Put aside 10K in DOGE today to afford a 50K Tesla in 4 months? SURE! 15K now in DOGE for a Cybertruck? SURE!
Get your Ticket to Shiba Inu's Rocket TODAY! 4 tickets per dollar, 400 tickets per $100. Take 25% of the massive gains on SHIB and PLEASE go help mommy! She should not be harmed, she should be honored and the god of dogs and the dogs of gods. OK, ok, sorry, I'm getting too passionate again. LOL
Taking gradual profits but don't find the charts of the trends... should be safe to near 7000s, charts will tell...