Shopify is an example of where the stock keeps going up ahead of its fundamentals that it has become quite risky even for trading purposes.
The risk reward ratio is no longer there to justify to putting large positions here. This is an example where if you bought on the breakout at lower prices, you will get rewarded immensely if you keep holding until now. It is about reducing positions and taking profits.
Anyone who all in at this point is rather crazy.
What I want from Shopify is for it to cool down, let fundamentals catch up with it and then we will evaluate and see whether there is another possible entry in the future.
Not something I want to touch at this point. Can shopify double from here? Maybe. But what is the probability? Given that its Price to Sales ratio is now around 60, Price to Book Value is 30. There are numbers that you don't see unless if you go back to Dot Com bubble.
Sooner or later, the price will correct itself. And it may be fearful that most people will be left holding the bags and need to bear the burden of major corrections.
Parabola don't last forever, eventually it will end.
Investing/Trading is all about risk management and position sizing.
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