S&P 500 Index

Investors, do not panic, relax, and hang in there

By MrRenev
This might be it.

I've seen a video recently "A Guided Meditation for When the Stock Market Is Dropping"
Loved it. A video to help reassure and relax bagholders.

"The market always goes up over time" I keep hearing this over and over and over.
It is so absurd, so stupid, but every one keeps repeating it.
Complacency much?

All these investors need a harsh lesson.

"Last time they said" "Bears are wrong".
"Just do nothing" "Market drops it is perfectly natural".

Except the stock market has spent more than a century in a range at once in the past, and it is only 500 years old.

Going to be great to see the paradigm of "blindly invest 100 bucks a month since you are young and you will be a millionaire with no effort by 50" crash its face on the ground.

"Zoom out" "Always go up". Hehehe let's see where those people are when the SnP goes 3 digits.

I have had this idea for a while, and was thinking the dow would top 27000 to 33000 then the big crash would happen.

Price to Earnings, Price to GDP, Revenues, What revenues should be, inflation, rational measurements.
They all say it is way time to go down.

Emotional and dreaming people think "price go up forever dis just noise", especially boomers. They have only known a bull market maybe?

Well bubbles have to pop and nothing "goes up magically forever with 0 effort 0 risk not even having the patience to wait for cheap prices"
Does this really make sense? Getting rewarded for absolutely nothing...

Would have been nice if friday the 13 would have had a huge crash but probably recovers for now awww.

People especially in europe terrified of covid-19 coronavirus when it's been declining and almost no new cases now in asia, and this clown of a french president said yesterday "it has just begun" and "it is accelerating at an alarming rate so we are shuting down the country no school work from home non urgent patients are cancelled and so on".

The irrationals will lose money, the rationals will make money.

US democrats hate Trump so much they will do everything they can to help this market go down, they LOVE the price falling like this.
So the woke US irrationals are the ones to want the world stocks to go down down down down, pretty neat.
And boomers are going to be so desperate after losing their retirement, they'll be tempted to vote for free stuff dems in 2024.
Which will mean more bear YEEEEEESSSSS!

I wonder who will be the 2024 dem nominee? Tulsi Gabard is being ignored, probably because she is moderate and won't bow down and pro freedom at least partially.
They want a wahman do'nt they so this would be nice... Or an 80+ yo bernie? xd Or some other complete nutcase... Or salamander IQ AOC?
They are scary, if a complete nut gets the power to ruin the country the bear will extend a bit too much.

All is setting up for a mighty mighty bear cycle, and these "infinite free money no effort just buy and hold" are going to learn the most brutal lesson.

I love it!

Keep moneyz to buy cheapy stonks when they drop 80%

FED probably going to print more and more magical money because this works so well, if they keep doing that there will be a revolution of the poor eventually and the result will simply be even worse.

Bear Power!
Robinhood maxed out its credit line around the same time its customers were experiencing outages



Ye so seems I was right all along about Robin****

I even got banned from twitter for calling anyone that fell for their enthusiastic ads stupid.

Let's see who gets burned :)


Man this pyramid scheme market will collapse and all the entitled, idiotic, distached from reality living in imaginary land noobs will get savagely destroyed by reality.
And I love it!

Times change, habits change, people think the world changes but it doesn't.
The fall always happens and reality always comes back.
The higher people are the harder they fall.
And right now they are as high as ever, absolute dreamers.

Reality about to hit extra hard.
President Trump declares national emergency.


Did Trump open an SnP future short this evening?
Can he stop speaking and riddles and just give us his target.

Now of course Bitcoin market participants are too stupid to react so I expect nothing to happen till Monday, and then prob stocks gap down once again?

What if Trump waited for markets to close to leave participants all weekend to absorb the info and get their little feelings to reset, that way avoiding big panic selling.

Still perfectly probable to see a nice drop monday, and VIX continues up going higher than 2008 reaching the sky, and added bonus Bitcoin can just have another 40% drop day.



Awesome! I just want to sing while the world is burning.

The rektage will be one of the greatest ever.
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