By wavetimer
We have now most likely seen the turn . we will for the most part have the Bulls staying it is a re test and a bear trap into this OCT . But it is not most of the rallies going forward until we drop in 2700 to 1890 on the sp 500 will at most be.382 to 50 % . The Battle between Inflated assets { Debt based } And Food costs due the Drought cycles and Population and coming default cycles . Did I mention the Baby boomers are at 26.7% of USA Population . and that this JAN 2023 SSA IS GOING UP A SMALL 9.8 TO 11.5 % . SO the standard of living of our children is about to break down . You will own Nothing and be happy !! . DID any of you think the war in eastern UKRAINE is about PUTIN . is is about RESOURCES NAT GAS and WHEAT aka FERTILE lands . The Water wars are set to begin . FARM LAND OIL N GAS and WATER are the only assets of VALUE . fiat money and Crypto are only used as a balance sheet . new home sale are breaking down due the steady increase of interest rates 40 year Bubble see Tulip mania and those who have a low rate are trap unable to sell as they would just be hot with the higher rates in the new purchase trapped as well as housing and stock prices over 120 of data we Always revert back to the MEAN..I have always lived by a few rules in investing my 40 plus years . 1] Never use debt in your life live well below your means 2] treat money like water in the desert 3 know that every Bull market is induced by the expansion of a form of DEBT and or the devalue of a fiat currency . to create employment to CONTROL the masses . see cares act 2020 expansion Money velocity to a total of 40 % of ALL money in US history . I learned at a young age from one of the riches men in the US from strong hands to weak and from weak hands back to strong on the CHEAP see 1907 1929 1973 2000 2007 2022 charts . I also asked him how do people get rich > He told there are two ways Inherit it and steal others people money .! he asked me what did I think So I said to him . then the simple life and man is the richest man for he does not want but to live a life of peaceful and simple for the GIFT OF LIFE n time are the true riches . I MENTION 1960 TIME VS NOW for GOOD REASON YOUNGEST USA PRESIDENT WAS LIGHT Till he Talked of the Secret Societies . That COVERT its citizens AND WAS SLAIN 3 weeks later . To Now The OLDEST US PRESIDENT A Time of DARKNESS AND DIVIDE AND CONTROL EVERYTHINK FROM WHAT IS A MALE OR FEMALE TO THE COLOR OF EACH OTHER SKIN FROM LAW N ORDER N PEACE TO HATE FEAR ALL . IN LATE 2021 I DID TELL YOU THE WAR CYCLE IS NEAR . 1917 10 % DIED in that revolution 1945 revolution 45 million died US CIVIL WAR NEAR 3% . And in Nov we will start to see a battle over the next two years with the Promises . this battle is Communism within the USA it is all based on the growth of the population exceeding. its natural growth and depletion of water . . remember this nov VOTE no matter what . if you DO NOT then stand ready to have everything you think cant happen in AMERICAN IS ABOUT TO . BEST OF TRADES WAVETIMER !!!
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