[SPX] Super TRIN x DIX Mashup... TView Won't Let Us Chart DIX :(

By ProfitHarvest
I had to restrain my middle school level humor a bit here... professional traders don't laugh at DIX jokes.

TView gods, if you're listening, please integrate SqueezeMetrics data for charting (I'm having to use Paint over here guys): squeezemetrics.com/monitor/dix

Got a couple homies in my DMs who love the DIX just as much as I do so figured I'd post about it in case anyone else out there is curious about DIX.

With that outta the way... check out my DIX pic:

Basically DIX is trending down and GEX is trending up, same as the lead up to the March crash.

Historically GEX spiking up through the price is strongly correlated with Price downturns.

What I'm looking for here is an upward GEX breakout, especially up through Price, and DIX downward breakout and sustained divergence.

That is almost certain to drive down Price in the near term.

Also note that the the last 3 GEX Price spikes didn't result in Price downturn even though the two directly before and most historical instances it does. This suggests we're building up for a larger downward Price movement. The only other time GEX and Price behaved like this was the March crash leadup.

This definitely could have saved me from making my short play too early because high DIX is strongly correlated with increasing price (think of DIX as Big Money basically).

So the market hasn't crashed thus far, despite lots of crash indications since early June, precisely because DIX was too high and had sustained divergence over GEX. Basically was almost certain not to crash and I wish I knew about this thing back then!

That's the basic idea here from all the time I've spent playing with DIX.

Let me know your thoughts, hope it's helpful B).

PS: Super TRIN climbing support channel, lets see where it goes!
dixFundamental AnalysisTechnical IndicatorsSPX (S&P 500 Index)S&P 500 (SPX500)Trend Analysis
Data analyst with a passion for best fit lines B)

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