By wavetimer
The chart posted is that of the hourly SP 500 the drop to a perfect low in time spirals and price based on long term FIB 1974 LOW TO PEAK .382 pullback and near perfect 50 2009 to peak FYI NYSE WAS PERFECT. has now rallied back to a three wave rally back to a 50 % and was off the spiral low dates 3/21/23 and 4/ 2 spiral in time . We now have two views .First THE FRACTAL of the drop 2007 to 2009 is one of four long term decline dated back to 1783 . and if the fractal drops from here we would match the 2009 JAN 2009 PEAK and the drop would take out the low 3/23 and would drop to 2034 .Second much more bearish is we rally and go to a high all time record high as we hit top JULY 2007 CRASHED TO JULY 16 2007 RALLIED TO OCT 16 2007 THEN WE WOULD DROP OVER THE NEXT 512 DAYS TO 666 TO 745 IN THE SP . I AM NOW 75 % SHORT AS OF THIS POST INTO MCO 4/8 AND PREMARKET 2766 MY STOP IS 2812 .BEST OF TRADES WAVETIMER
GannHarmonic PatternsivORwaveWave Analysis
