Stock Market during Mid-Term Election and Inflation Analysis

This is a historic timeline showing the following:

1. Mid-term election years (Green Vertical Lines)
2. Peak Inflation (Yellow Vertical Lines)
3. Recession (Grey box)

1. Inflation CPI
2. FedFundsRate
3. Unemployment Rate

You can note that there were two similar instances where inflation was getting higher during mid-term elections (1974 and 1980). In an inflationary environment, most likely the S&P bottoms when the inflation (CPI) has peaked. However, in 1980, the S&P went higher after mid-term elections despite inflation rising and having not peaked.

So the S&P can bottom anywhere from June to October (possibly at $3200- Fib lower level), then rally after mid-term elections. If post-mid-term election, the unemployment rate starts going up, it can lead to a recession in the upcoming years.

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1. List of recessions:
2. Mid-term elections:
3. Stock Market post Mid-Term elections:
Beyond Technical AnalysiselectionsfedfundsrateFundamental Analysisinflationmidterm-electionsS&P 500 (SPX500)Trend Analysis

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