Hi all. This is my first post. I encourage comments and critique to enforce progressive learning for all.
I have been tracking the SP500 for quite some time now. The bullish sentiment is off the charts right now.
Every forum I follow has some form of "Merry Christmas everyone, welcome to a continuation of the bull market! Buy more and go long!"
It boggles me that it is so. We have been in a long bull market, true.
You will see that in March of 2009, we had begun our new bull market. I am a strong believer in Elliott Wave analysis.
And the same analysis has given me insight into what appears to be such an over saturated market that it just hurts to know of how artificial and fabricated
the market is. We are on the tip of the iceburg, the peak of the mountain. We are in our last few breaths of air on the 5th Elliott wave.
I have entered a short position on the market as a result. The bullish sentiment is far too strong and far too good to be true for a continuation of the bull market.
I would also like to emphasize that it is ALWAYS too good to be true before a market crashes. Remember how in 2000, bears were ridiculed for calling a top on the market?
That crash was the 4th corrective wave of that bullish trend. The crash of Monday 1987 was the 2nd corrective wave. The housing crisis of 2007-2008 was the correction after
the market had reached its peak in 2007 in its final 5th wave. I also would like to mention that the housing market was not the cause of the crash of the SP500.
Crazy right? Correlation is not causation. Every market follows its own trend. But that housing crash is what caused that 5th wave to not go up further as investor sentiment had
dwindled...yet it allowed for the market to just reach the high of the previous 3rd wave.
Now, getting to the point. We are in an ending diagonal pattern on the SP500.
You can see that above the level of around 3174 was a point of market hesitation. The market had tried to correct and it had tested the upper wedge several times. I had foreseen this.
Now we have broken through that upper wedge and are in the dangerous territory of hyper bullishness. Ladies and gentlemen, we are in the area where throw-overs occur.
A throw-over occurs when a market simply does not want to correct. It is fed so full of lies. That Phase 1 deal? BOGUS. It will not do anything to save the market. People are people,
sheep are sheep- they follow patterns. Condition a flock of sheep to only move to the next pasture through a gate. Next, remove the gate separating the fields. Those sheep will follow
one another through the gate regardless of the lack of gate. That is the reality of markets.
So when a market correction happens and it will (I bet Warren Buffet is biting his nails now too), it will be strong. It will be ugly. And it will be volatile. Take a peep at the VIX and you will
see what looks to be makings of a strong trend up...slowly brewing. That, combined, with this throw over will lead to be a FAT dump if my speculation is correct.
Perhaps Buffet will hold his shares. I strongly believe that man will live to 1000 years old and will only sell his shares then when he intends to form the first galactic empire with his profits.
But the rest of us mortals should be scared.
Happy trading!
PS I know that the RSI and MACD divergence lines are not drawn correctly on my chart. They respectively both begin at the 3rd wave peak of the 3rd impulse wave on the 25th of January 2018 and are connected
to the peaks of the RSI and MACD of today.