End of an Era

By MrRenev
A big hedge fund blew up bringing down several banks last week, just like Lehman Brothers, the stock market has rallied to new highs. Pretty strong.
Nothing will make it budge.

Blackrock, and I'm sure many others, are sitting on record amounts of cash, that's what they say.

Taxes are going to get raised.

Dumb money is getting stimulus checks.

Currency is being printed at German amounts to dilute foreign debts and to keep the stock market up.

Not impossible democrats are doing socialism and helping it fail fast as a sneaky way to destroy it 🤷‍♂️.
Either case the result is the same and highly certain. 2 years till next votes.

German stock market inflation adjusted went up 10 fold in less than 18 months.

A huge transfer of wealth is likely to happen soon:
The american poor & lower middle class are cheerfully pushing hard for a transfer of wealth, from their pockets to the pockets of investors. Very altruistic of them.

The trade war, anti Trump FUD, Trump FUD, and uncertainty era is over.
The pyramid scheme is super strong and nothing can stop it, in other words an unstoppable force, for the next 2 to 4 years.

The S&P will cross 4000 soon and keep going up. 10,000 by EOY 2022 not even crazy. May be early, may not 🤷‍♂️.

Any qualms about making money watching the US burn and the bottom 50% suffer: 🤷‍♂️. No one forces them to do this. You reap what you saw.

This is when the general population will understand (use this if you try to explain it to family & friends):

Say the US has 300 million loaves of bread. Bottom 50% can afford 100 million, stock portfolios 100 million, rest of the population 100 million.
As production declines (from an aging fattening pop and from stimies) as well as imports, the US has 200 million loaves available.
Stock portfolios can get 150 million, bottom 50% lifesaving + wages can't even buy a single one, and the rest get only 50 million time to ration what they have.

This is when the crowd won't be cheering anymore. Probably they demand more and stricter socialism to fix what socialism created. Idiots.

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