TRADERSAI - A.I. Powered Model Trades for MON 08/19 - OUTCOMES

By TradersAIDotCom
Results of our models' trading plans, published in the morning, are now available. Anyone can verify/cross-check the triggering of these trades from any source that provides charts.


Medium-Frequency Models: Open long from Thursday, 08/15 (with entry point at 2835) survived the day's session, and is being carried into Tuesday's session (or, overnight session if you are trading the index futures) with an 11-point trailing stop trigger at 2920.00.  

Aggressive, Intraday Models: Lead to +14.94 index points in gains on two longs.


For the trade-by-trade details with time stamps, please check out the article below:

IMPORTANT NOTES (NOT your typical fine print, but IMPORTANT and MEANT to DRAW YOUR ATTENTION TO, before you decide to put your hard earned money on our trading plans):

(i) The index by itself is NOT tradable. The model plans here based on the S&P index level can be used to trade any instrument that tracks the index – the futures on the index (ES, ES-mini), the options on the futures (ES options), the SPX options, the ETF SPY are just a few examples of the instruments one can adapt these plans to.

(ii) The trades indicated are not reflective of or indicative of any specific outcomes for any specific individual – your exact results would vary widely, depending on the time frame you use – tick chart, 1-min chart, 5-min chart, 15-min chart etc, as well as the quality of the execution of your broker, the stop levels you use based on your risk tolerance and your trading style.

(iii) These plans and results are hypothetical and NOT an investment advice to buy or sell any specific securities but are intended to aid – as informational, educational, and research tools – in arriving at your own investment/trading decisions. Please read the full disclosures at the bottom of the article on our website for additional notes and disclaimers.

#ES #SPX #SP500 #SPY #IndexTrading #Results #Outcomes #TradingPlans #Education #China #Tariffs #Tradewar #Yields #Fed
Beyond Technical AnalysisS&P 500 E-Mini FuturesesminiindextradingmodelsresultsS&P 500SPX (S&P 500 Index)S&P 500 (SPX500)SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) Trend Analysis
