Good time to short S&P 500 Index

Asset: SPX

Fundamental Analysis: Arithmetically increasing the number of people infected with the new COVID-19 virus in the USA will lead to a new wave of panic sales on Stock market.

Trend: Downtrend correction tends to end in the next few days.

Price support zone: 2300 - 2350 USD

Price resistance zone: 2650 - 2700 USD


The sell from the level of 2650-2700 USD for SPX . Target price is to level of 2300 - 2350 and the risk is no more than 2820 level.

Reliable signal to the entrance in the direction of the existing trend have the good potential yield and the medium level of risk. This fact should be taken into account when choosing Amount of deal and money management.

Actual period for this signal: 2-nd of April 2020
Trade active
Looks like it will be a good timing to fix profit today or tomorrow at level 2300-2350.
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