[SPX] Fell Under Major Downchannel S/R... Back at GAP! LOL

Already we're back at the top of the gapup after Price failed to even hold above the weak horizontal channel support of this recent downtrend.

Didn't even take a shot at the top of the downchannel... that's some weak sauce.

Overall still lookin quite bearish here.

Congress is funny right now... Trump and Dems want stim but Republican senators can't pass sht without making their base furious just in time for voting... they're still pissed about the first relief bill!

Also what in the actual fck, we just discovered that a ton of the PPP money never got distributed and even a billion of what WAS spent went to fund military jet engines instead of anything to do with coronavirus and now we want to approve even more debt that also will also be poorly distributed and corrupted?

C'mon what in the actual fck! None of this will ever help anything.

SPX 1.5k!

Lets burn this thing to the ground and start over.

[SPX] Market Treasure Map: How We Get to 1550 in 2022!

Gen Z is truly getting royally screwed here while the Wealthy Elite laugh all the way to the bank.

Just wait until they spark WWIII and try to draft Gen Z into laying down their lives to defend the massive tab Boomers have left us all to deal with. One last middle finger to the rest of us as they climb into their graves with all their bags of money that most were only able to attain as a direct result of the incredible Social Programs and low Cost of Living of the '50's, '60's and '70's.

They took a ladder to the top and then pulled it away so the rest of us would have to scale a damn wall to make it out. Less competition, better for profits. They then have the gall to call everyone else lazy. Fck you Boomer.

And maybe we can finally start electing real people who have worked actual jobs before and maybe even spent a bit of time struggling to pay bills rather than only electing people who were born into the Wealthy Elite and placed on the family wealth Political Career conveyor belt straight to Congress to pass more laws that only benefit the Wealthy Elite.

Wake up people. It's all a scam. #GeorgeCarlin
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Data analyst with a passion for best fit lines B)

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