Recession warning on S&P500?

The 2-year and 10-year Treasury yields inverted for the first time since 2019. On Thu Mar 31st, the yield curve showed a possible warning signal that a recession could be happen at anytime, but the curve needs to stay inverted for a substantial amount of time before it gives a valid signal. People get excited about the yield curve because, historically it has been a good predictor of the onset of recession.
Against a backdrop of searing inflation, Russia’s War in Ukraine and a commodity shock, the relentless flattening of the yield curve and its predictive qualities has market watchers on edge.

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. sees the odds of a U.S. recession as high as 35% in the next year, while Grant Thornton’s Diane Swonk sees the twin blow of Fed tightening and higher oil prices potentially tipping the economy into a recession. The yield curve may serve Economists more than Investors, the key factor in the yield curve inversion is that, while it can often forecast darker days ahead for the economy, it is NOT a sell signal for those who invest in stocks

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