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How to make money: Profit from mass hysterias

A little update on my last post as I have had more confirmation of my claims since then.
About people irrational minds. Sounds all textbook all of this "mass hysteria" and people might think real life isn't that stupi but it is.

After telling someone his not hearing of the word CoronaVirus did not make it worse than the flu and ebola, I was just mocked for "making a stupid comparison" because "you didn't hear of ebola before it was discovered" and "if WE (not only him) have not heard the word CoronaVirus before 2019 it is obviously because the name was not invented"
FUN FACT: EbolaVIRUSSES were discovered in 1976. CoronaVIRUSSES were discovered in the 1960s.
And Ebola killed WAY MORE than Corona, the flu is also way worse.

Funny how SARS was "the mightiest zombie apocalypse virus" with Severe in its name, in 2002, and now these idiots out there don't even remember it and think "the coronavirus" was just discovered.
They will forget about this current one in 3 months at most LOL.

These people have no clue. They ignore what virusses are, they ignore that Corona is 60 years old, they ignore how lethal it is, they ignore that it is a common cold, they ignore that it goes away when it gets hotter, they ignore literally everything about it.

You got PLEBES hitting the table with their fist and DEMANDING worldwide vaccines for all.

The brainwashed populace that cannot think for themselves are scared.
They think the world is ending or some sh**.
Oh apparently this time according to "experts" "60% of the world could get infected". Yaaaaaawn, yeye sure.

Yet another irrelevant tiny fart in the winds of history that a part of the population is reacting too, and medias (and stock market bears) are profitting off with their flashy titles and *breaking news*.

What can only be described as either complete noobs, trolls, or idiots, called for a top. The "end of the bull market". The "mighty corona virus bear market".
Well US indices are already past ath.


You know, this timeframe is typically my time frame.

My trades, the winners (losers go much faster), most of them, end up lasting 3 days to 2 weeks, with the occasional lucky huge winner that will last longer of course, up to 2 months.

I think it is the best and easiest when one has "better than average foresight". I do not know how to predict the direction a company will go for the next 1 year or more, all I can do is buy cheap and hold. I can try guess generic trends and generic fundamentals, but I cannot predict what will happen in a whole year, 365 days, I have no idea what price a currency of company will be at in 365 days, the whims of the market. I've had my 1rst theory on stocks that was the dow would climb to 32k+ in "the future" (2nd one was 2018 was the top). And low timeframes like under a day is mostly just noise, and fees ruin it, and no one ever made consistent big returns from it, only people to claim they do are "educators".

Of course this is just the start, it takes way more than just thinking for yourself and not being a brainwashed sheep, but the basis is this.
Go against (or might profit from it) the public mood / emotions / irrational thoughts, and make sure to stick to the public attention span of around 2 weeks.

All this "CoronaVirus" FUD was, was an opportunity to buy indices on a pullback. MA50 + Trendline. The T1 would be ath. From here my favorite course of action is to trail my stop and try staying in as long as possible. Trailing is an entire discipline to master it depends on alot of things including asking oneself "if I place my Stop Loss here what is the risk to reward if this was a new trade" and also includes using obviously previous resistances as support, seing how the price is moving, etc.


There are other good ones, like "12 years left" "global cooling consensus - er I mean global warming - er I mean global climate change", but the most famous ones are not 2 weeks things, and no idea how long the hysteria lasts, so it's not a free piggy bank robbery like the never ending flow of 2 week long stories on the news.

I hope the media format always stays the same and idiots stay idiots. And I am pretty sure it will. People have behaved like gnus (wildebeests) before the existence of tv media, and now that less and less people watch tv and they instead spend time on social networks (twitter youtube seem to be the main ones they get their info from) nothing has changed, still 2 weeks stories and mass delusions everywhere. Thx for the money, kiss kiss.

The stock market will probably keep going up (this is not me saying it goes up in a straight line) till the Europe trade war starts.

From wikipedia for the format:

Rank Country Exports Imports Total Balance
- European Union 283,269 434,633 717,902 -151,363
1 China 129,894 505,470 635,364 -375,576

He probably adds Nato in it, and unlike china they are certain to argue about the climate change "not up for debate" dogma.
And europe are allies. It's going to be a huge thing. Maybe 3 years of sideways then a parabolic move up, then Trump presidency ends and the big crash.

In that time Trump could get assassinated by very angry page tearing lefties, a civil war could break, US biggest allies could start having bad relations with it, the US might have a hostile takeover by communists, europe trade deal could go well rapidly, could go well but after a long time, coumld go bad rapidly, could go bad slowly.

I just see it as impossible to call what will happen the next 4 to 5 years, I just know what direction it is supposed to go AND I know what to watch for what to expect.

Long live profitting of short term delusions.
They can laugh at us, they can insult us, they can argue with us, they can keep trying to have the last word, they can always be right in hindsight, they will always outnumber us, but we will always take their money.
You can never trust the media so I'm not sure if this is true and I haven't doen the research, but here is may be a new way to make money with this:
UK is offering £3,500 (a day?) to people to get infected with covid19, to help and cure it.
This company does this
"Co-Diagnostics was founded with a simple but ambitious goal: to bring high-quality molecular diagnostics for infectious diseases to areas and populations of the world that need them most. Since that time, Co-Diagnostics researchers have developed additional applications far beyond the detection of infectious diseases."

They likely went up because of covid


I might make an idea looking at several examples such as this one.
I got a google doc with all the companies affected by the now pandemic listed but I don't know if I can link it here.
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