Some trade that BigPOW triggered today

Here are the days trades that BigPOW generated for multi day swing trades, actually ES triggered yesterday.
GC long FEb 8 at 1320
NQ short Feb 8 6475
ES short Feb 7 2684
ZB short Feb 8 144'24

will keep updating as new trades hit and watch these trades. BigPOW is new adaptation of the Day trade Algo
Have now added ZS long at 982.5 and the signal reversed on GS so will now be short GC from 1315
I just noticed I failed to mention most of these trades will be down with options, so the risk is set at the trade open, This way I can run signal to signal
The ZB trade just flipped to long and that caused a 343.75 loss and went long at 144,13. The above GC flip cost 500 negative. this is ok because the portfolio is up about $11,000 at teh time of this typing
I am wrong just looked at spread sheet not platform the ZB is profit by 343.75, I just figured it was a reverse one day in it was a loss. better look closer next time
was doing the work of closing but on this rip off the bottom took the ES and NQ profit, ES closed at 2566, for $5900 and NQ at 6269 for $4120
trade number product direction date aprox price exit p/l

1 GC L Feb 8 2018 1320 1315 $-500
2 NQ S Feb 8 2018 6475 6269 $4120
3 ES S Feb 7 2018 2684 2566 $5900
4 ZB S Feb 8 2018 144.75 144'13 $343.75
5 ZS L Feb 9 2018 982.5
6 gc S Feb 9 2018 1315
7 Zb l Feb 9 2018 144.40625
Closing ZB not sure how it happened but took long but did not have a signal close at 144.2 for -187.5
also closing ZS at 996.7 after gap up, getting out before gap closes for 996.7 profit
Closing GC short for a -1200 loss and if you used teh long put and -$500 loss there. will be looking for a new signal, have not swing trades on right now.
The portfolio is up $9128.75 as of now ith no open trades or orders
adding 3 trades today, funny thing is I don't like any of them so probably will be good
long 6E at 1.24215 or long april 1.3 call for $265
long NQ at 6610 or long 7070 april call for $720
long GC at 1340 or long 1420 c april $490
one could also spread the options or sell puts, Will post more about these later
9 nq direction l Feb 14 2018 entry price 6610 comments exit date Feb 14 2018 exit price 6662 pl 1040 running total 10215.75
4th new Trade today
11 cl direction l Feb 14 2018 entry price 2.69 comments Calendar clm8-clz8
closing 6E trade for 435 profit, and also the long option with 135 profit, I feel the move from yesterday was very large and just want to reduce risk
stop on gold will be just under 1349. when this trade closes will be last post to this thread
closing cl calendar trade, taking $340 seems small but that is over 50% ROC in 24 hours
gold is still open from this thread so will move 1349 stop up to 1354.5 and probably close before the weekend
Trade closed: target reached
Beyond Technical AnalysisESS&P 500 E-Mini FuturesGCGC1! (Gold Futures)NQNASDAQ 100 E-MINI FUTURESzbZB1!

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