SPXS – Bullish Breakout – Any Day Now…

By MoneyPatterns
Trade Entry
Anything at $12.80 or below is a great entry price as hedge.
I am putting some wishful orders in the $12.34 area and below just in case.

Chart Details
Banana pattern almost at end. I think the last Daily Bullish candle gave us a better contact point with $12.59 low.
The current downtrend without significant uptrend has occurred over 3 months. Overdue.
Gaps to fill up to $17.40.
Bullish EMA Cross and price crossing 10WeekMA will confirm uptrend.

About Me
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I am not a financial advisor. My comments and reviews are based on what I do with my personal accounts.
Website will be ready for launch mid-January 2020.
Disclosure - I am long BTCUSD, GBTC. Short term GDX Bullish, SPXS Bullish, MCD Bullish
Repos Just Extended
1/15 thru 2/13/2020

Guess we will keep doing the same thing, expecting a different result (print more money) - definition of insanity

And that China Trade Deal....details are NOT going to be released. Why???
shortideasshortspysp500indexSPX (S&P 500 Index)SPXSTrend Analysis
