$1K Options System Exposed! Any Interest In Weekly Options?

So I Saw Yet Another $1000 Dollar System For Sale.

This Marketer Actually Had A Decent System…But Left A Lot Of Key…And I Mean Important Information Out. Likely To Get People To Pay For His Weekly Picks.
***I’m Tired Of These Marketers Hyping Up A System…Charging A Premium…And Taking Money From People Who After Taking The Course Don’t Even Realize How Much They Haven’t Been Taught.

***I’ve been Selling Option Premium For Income For A Long Time. Wanted To See If There Is Any Interest From The Community...

NOTE-This is only 1 Rule To The System. Wanted To See If We Have Any Weekly Options Premium Sellers. If We Do Leave Comment Below and I will Code The Rest Of Rules.

Rules Included On Chart:
- Just Text Saying When Conditions = Selling Bull Put Spreads (Credit)
- The Condition Stays True Until Either Of The EMA’s Turn Yellow

Rules I Would Need To Add if There Is Interest
- Condition When To Sell Premium Both Above and Below
- Condition When Market is In Downtrend Condition = Selling Bearish Call Spreads (Credit)
- Days Of Week Ideal For Selling Weekly Premium.
- Adding in Complete Market Index Filters To The Individual Stocks (VERY IMPORTANT)

Happy To Do…But A Lot Of Work If We Don’t Have Any Options Premium Sellers.

Leave Comment Below If You Have Any Interest In A Weekly Options System
