Cost if hedging a USD 100 portfolio has gone down from 1.5% tp to 1,1% indicating that fear gauge is subdued, positive short term and in the options space order flow sentiment is moving from bullish to bearish (more puts than calls)
1. Current O/s Bullish positions - 35% of contracts and 37% of notional amounts
Current Bearish - 65% of contracts and 63% of notional
5 days average : Bullish contracts positions : 39% and and bearish - 41% of notional
Bearish contracts position : 61% and bearish notional positions : 59%
30 day Average : Bullish contracts positions : 39% and bullish notional amounts 42%
Bearish contracts position : 61% and as a notional : 58%
There is an increase in both bearish contracts open and higher notional as bearish positions as a percentage
Interesting to mix various parameters