ALL. GAPS. MUST. BE. FILLED. except this time I know i'm right.

By PonzTrader
Yeah, Im back with the gap fill bull again haha. But this time i'm right and I have the bearz to thank for that. Nothing to difficult about this one. Gap at 400 will be filled regardless. Whether we gap up at open and hit the top of $400 than fill the gaps below or we start flat and slowly make our way up. Either way, this btch gettin filled! TSLA will be the one to do it to. To many bears still and its time to cook them!! Full porting SPX callz tomorrow for the ride up.

This if for tomorrow or when that gap getz filled this week or next.
TOOK MY MONEY AND RAN as soon as it hit the resistance on the gap on the 30min. Lookin for a clean break through and that's when you'll know we getting $400 baby. Grats to anyone who held callz at open. These beat market rallies are beasts.
Beyond Technical AnalysisFundamental Analysis
