4/4 Watchlist + Notes

SPY - We were spot on with our analysis going into today's session. Last night I mentioned that we had a strong close on the daily and weekly and that I wanted to see us push higher. We also stayed within a 1% range today as I had also hoped to see (.71% range total today). Didn't quite get the movement we were hoping for (Inside Day), but we still were accurate otherwise. We closed green on the day and made a smaller green candle than we did Friday, which signals a few things for me. Here are all the considerations I have currently for my prediction for tomorrow:
1) Slightly overextended on the daily + close to exhaustion risk, (Bearish)
2) Still have strong momentum on the daily and weekly, (Bullish)
3) We are nearing the top of a broadening formation created a few weeks back, (Slightly Bullish)
4) Finished green today with a healthy looking green candle (Bullish)

With all of this in mind, I think that we now need to target 412-413 range sometime this week. There is really nothing stopping SPY from continuing to run other than the fact that it is in extended territory. For tomorrow my prediction is simple: I am slightly bullish, but understand that we can move hard in either direction tomorrow. Tomorrow's movement will be heavily influenced by 2 things: Whether we gap up or down during PM, and whether we break today's high or low first. If we break today's high first (Not including PM movement) then I think 412.91 is our target for tomorrow. If we break the low first, then I believe we could see somewhere in the 406.50-407.50 range. The 3rd scenario I can see happening is we take out today's high and then proceed to dump and take out today's low, forming an engulfing day. I think the first two scenarios are the most realistic, but they are all valid scenarios I could see happening tomorrow. Overall: Skeptically Bullish

Watchlist + Bias:
SHOP - 3-1 Daily: Bullish
QQQ - 2-1 Daily: Neutral
MSFT - 2-1 Daily: Neutral
PYPL - 2-1 Daily and Weekly: Slightly Bullish
DOCU - 2-1 Daily and 3-1-1 Weekly: Neutral

Main Watch: SHOP and DOCU
SHOP - 3-1 Daily with a huge gap that is partially filled to the upside. I am hoping to break to break today's high tomorrow and push higher. I think it has really good momentum to keep pushing higher. Would love to target 48.57 tomorrow. Will maybe play downside too, but mostly just focused on the upside move
DOCU - This one still hasn't broken out of the inside week setup. it is now actively a 3-1-1-1, which is just unheard of for the weekly chart. Im open to playing either side. I think with this one being in a 2-1 daily, we will get to see which direction we will finally move in for the next few days/weeks. Considering swinging as well. Preferably want to play upside, but I will take what I can get.

Yesterday's Main Watch:
SQ - (Status:) Winner (Personally Trade?) Yes
we opened under our put entry, but the play was still valid from open in my opinion. Cons from my trade peaked around 23% and I actually ended up taking a small loss because I was looking for a better entry to swing puts, but ended up not liking the swing setup, so I just took a small loss on my starter position + the extra cons I added when averaging down. Overall was in for about 40% of my target position size, and took about a 12% loss on that which translates to a roughly 5% loss had it been a normal position for me. I still count this as a winner for the list because it saw solid gains from a very readable entry. Had I been day trading and not looking for a swing entry, I would have had a different outcome, but at the end of the day, I had a plan and followed it, which is something I can't and won't be upset over. Weekly is still not broken out of, so SQ remains on my personal watchlist for the rest of the week. I wanna see what tomorrow holds for SQ before considering a new position.

Watchlist Stats:
1/1 Spy Predictions
1/1 Main Watch Plays
Top Winner: SQ (23%+)

Personal Stats:
0/1 On Trades This Week
Overall Green/Red: Red (extremely small). Early in the week. Can easily come back from today's small loss.

Trade Smart Tomorrow!
Beyond Technical AnalysisChart PatternsESFDXNQQQQSHOPSPX (S&P 500 Index)SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) SQTrend AnalysisTesla Motors (TSLA)
