Start planning your exit

What does the show Seinfeld and the Championship Chicago Bulls have in common? They left on top.

The market wants to keep melting up so the markets will until all the buyers are gone. I predict this rally will last until the election and be followed by a massive down trend. This current rally has legs based on Gov stimulus and Fed intervention not fundamentals so the inevitable crash will be larger and faster then before.
"You know it's time to sell when the shoeshine boys give you stock tips." We aren't at this point yet but we are getting close. Start making a plan to sell stocks as we approach the top. If you can manage to get out near the top and buy back close to the bottom you will be wildly successful. And, if you buy at the right time, you will find yourself relaxing and doing nothing most of the time as opposed to trading and following the markets daily. "Buy when there is blood in the streets." It's that simple, ...
