Have just come out and said they see the market falling by 24% more. I say, more... by a little. So you bulls, you need a wake up call. A smack. A kick. A push. Another slap. A baseball bat .. well lets not get carried away. You get the idea. :) No in all seriousness, I agree and do think its coming just a little lower. Why? The charts tell me that. I never care or trust what these clowns say but happened to see a write up on it and just happen to agree. Next week, I am looking for the 70s on both indexes. For SPY I could see 375 but I could also see in the lower 70s not being out of the question. In the event, not even looking.. its pouring out, its Friday night, dinner is cooking and I have no time for this garbage going into the weekend but if there should be a gap up or a run up early in the week, you know what to do. Ill sit down over the weekend and come up with a better game plan how the week should go, a more accurate and detailed one but if you are long, stops in place because next week we come lower. SQ, NIO (never thought I would trade that garbage but it looks appealing) but mostly QQQ and one of them big box retailers are what I am mostly looking at. SPY... ehh, maybe. Only if there is a run up ill jump in for the short.
Chart Patterns
