Ninja Talks EP 14: Chyrons

As yours truly lives his life as the best damn trader he can be, I oftentimes wonder how I do it.




It's all of the above and none of the above, in reality it's something I've previously touched on, which is self talk - now last time I graced your beloved eyes with my beautiful words, I mentioned how to use self talk and verbalisation to increase your success rate.

(You can find that in Ninja Talks EP: Silence is Violence)

Today I'm going to talk about the use of Chyrons.


"An electronically generated caption superimposed on a television screen or cinema screen."

Instead of the outdated blockbuster-esque TV and Cinema screens, we're obviously going to use our computer - this is 2023 after all.

Here's the point, how often do you place these Chyrons on your charts?

How often do you leave notes and annotations explaining your thought process?

TradingView has the feature, use it.

This (1) Allows you to see past thoughts and reasonings in perfect hindsight (2) Keeps the mind free - less clutter more flow (3) When the mind is light, it's playful - when the mind is playful opportunities, ideas and value come to you, no more chasing and finally last but not least (4) You know when you're BS'ing yourself!

Does this make sense?

Use Chyrons, annotations, text (whatever you want to call it) on your charts to get your mind sauce out of your head and onto the canvas.

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Keep your blades sharp Ninja!


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