The SPY (SP500 futures) is confirming that a long-term market trend change is happening now. This is a good time to go short, with ETFs such as SDS which is a (2x) double-leveraged high-liquidity low-cost way of shorting the SP500 without a margin account. Note that both the precious metals and the main crypto currencies appear to be under suppression, per the Plunge Protection Team (the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets) as well as the Bank for International Settlement's Financial Stability Board. My intuition is that another cyclical major wealth transfer is in the beginning stages. Prepare and get on the other side of this trade in a big way, and profit handsomely. Things will end well if the petrodollar USD remains intact after this trend change is over and goes long again.
Remember, do your own diligence and do not take my advice here at face value. Risk is inherent in any trade placed based upon my advice. Regardless, I've been trading for 20 years and have been building technical-based trading systems for that long, so factor that in, as well. I am also well-versed in geopolitical history and future planning, per United Nations Agenda 21, especially as it pertains to the global economy and your financial well-being. 2020 is just two years away and a major financial crisis is likely required to implement the economic plans detailed in UN Agenda 21 - the timing for the current trend change is perfect for this implementation, including the widespread use of a carbon-credit based crypto currency such as (not yet available for purchase by Americans).
Per UN Agenda 21 planning by the world's central banking families:
“We support the shift of our economic focus from translational corporate “fusionism” to regional subsistence. Subsistence economy focuses on a “natural” way of living. This is not “back to stone age”. It rather means a spiral, wavelike progress out of the life-destroying habits of today’s so-called civilization and accepting and welcoming the complexity of life.
We support the development of sustainable, decentralized, that is local, high-tech production, combined with local use of local resources. and the redesign of our monetary system according to a fourfold model: 1) economy of gifting (a basic matriarchal feature), 2) counter-trade (barter) economy, 3) complementary local monetary systems for regional trade, and 4) unified currency (for example called “terra”) for interregional and global trade. In our eyes compound interest has to be abolished. Also the concept of “owning” land must be reconsidered.”