Pompeo announced this evening that Hong Kong is no longer an independent part from China. Chinese investors and business people are buying as much influence and shareholder stake in HK. Who benefits? China. Anyways, on top of the announcement, the CFO of Huawei was denied extradition proceedings. So far, U.S can’t prosecute yet. Quite unfortunate given the announcement the U.S Government made earlier.
My thoughts - Huawei is so far the leading company in 5G, the US knows that and it has come to terms with a closed door alliance with China. If you can’t beat them, join them, so that you understand them, and then try beating them again lol.
Back to my question, for any one out there who wants to discover the real truth, for those who question everything, even what’s on CNN, do you think it’s a good time to buy AT&T? Like, yes it holds loads of debt, but I think the real value is that they are the only company that has the reach and resources atm to compare shoulder to shoulder with Huawei [and it still falls short a bit]. Plus, if Huawei has completely dominated the Easter world, shouldn’t we take some western pride too? Or what’s every one thinking??
What will I do? Follow up tomorrow morning.