+n is a multipler for a simple longterm dca buy and hold strategy.
Position sizes example: +5 +5 +10 +10 +15 +15 +20... NANA MONEY ALL-IN
(or maybe just keep dca it?)

Anyway, it's all about the meme, don't be Nana guy (not the German rapper).

Comparison chart to other trackers in mixed currencies (USD, EUR, CHF):
Nana comparison
TDIV (NL0011683594) in EUR since inception date
*multiplier ... edit time limit really not nice
P/E Ratio 10.54
P/B Ratio 1.35
as of 31 Jul 2024

Not that bad unlike most of the market, which is a reason for a more aggressive dca grid.
Other trackers of my interest like SEMI or IS3R have a much higher P/E Ratio and therefore a way more defensive stress scenario dca grid.
SEMI stress dca grid (private idea):
SEMI stress dca grid

Of course a simple monthly dca strategy works just as well. It's about to have multiple entry points in the long term timeline of our investment horizon.
>No all in Nana money into a single stock pick that is deep in the debts and still paid dividends, what is no more.

I try to avoid USD and EUR investment if possible because my base currency is CHF. Unfortunately the CHF market itself is not that attractive. I do monthly dca the CHF market don't get me wrong but I have not yet found THAT asset in CHF.
TDIV (NL0011683594) is more of a EUR hedge in CHF with high paying dividends.
Beyond Technical Analysis

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