Near 100% Negative Correlation Between US Stocks and Bonds

Federal Reserve speaks tomorrow. Big day for both the bond and stock markets. This has been tug and war since the US stock market topped in 2007. A hint to which way the rope is going to drop will be tomorrow and in Round 15 a winner declared. However, there will most likely be a last minute third party stand-in for the final round, GOLD (see chart insert below). Metals have been left behind, as both the US Bonds and US markets recovered quickly after the October suprise in 2011. If stocks stay flat metals do very well. If both stocks and bonds stay flat metals do extraordinary well.

The chart above suggest both, US equities and bonds seem to be exhausting. While everyone on TV is saying "buy on markets next dip", and "dollar is king, buy US Dollar", or "don't buy gold, it's dead", do not listen to them. Dennis Gartman, author of famed "The Gartman Letter" I'm calling you out. This is the best time to be looking for an entry in both silver and gold.

'They have no idea! No idea! There nuts, there all nuts, they have no idea how bad this bond market is going to bust, no idea. They no nothing!!!' - Jim Crameresque.

Federal Reserve Events for March 20, 2013


2 PM Est.
Fed Interest Rate Decision
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve announces an interest rate. This interest rate affects the whole range of interest rates set by commercial banks, building societies and other institutions for their own savers and borrowers. It also tends to affect the exchange rate. Generally speaking, if the Fed is hawkish about the inflationary outlook of the economy and rises the interest rates it is positive, or bullish, for the USD.


2PM Est.
FOMC Economic Projections
This report, released by Federal Reserve, includes the FOMC's projection for inflation and economic growth over the next 2 years and, more importantly, a breakdown of individual FOMC member's interest rate forecasts.


2:30 PM Est.
Fed's Monetary Policy Statement and press conference
Following the Fed's rate decision, Ben Bernanke gives a press conference regarding monetary policy. His comments may influence the volatility of USD and determine a short-term positive or negative trend. His hawkish view is considered as positive, or bullish for the USD, whereas his dovish view is considered as negative, or bearish.

20+ Year Treasury Bond iShares, Weekly Pattern
Domed House Three Peaks?
Bonds Market pattern almost looks like a domed house three peak pattern. These are difficult to call because they are so rare.
