Closed the long call at a slight loss, keeping puts open.
I reread CryptoHayes' medium article and missed some key points. There is very little upside to being long bonds, and great potential in being short. It would've been best to be long crypto.
'Lack of confidence' in J. Powell's response on inflation/yield control in the short term (lol not a good reason)
JP govt stating they would lessen their buying pressure on their own bonds
Chinese govt stating they would not intervene strongly in their bond market, allowing natural forces to take action
And poor control of COVID-19 and its optics, leading to worse output/economic growth due to continued lockdowns
I'll add links when I can find the sources. The $1.9T stimulus package for the U.S. would increase inflation -> increase bond rates if they're negative, and they are according to the month of Feb's CPI release. From what I understand, the USG would need to continue releasing stimulus packages to keep the equities market going higher due to devaluation of the dollar, or rates will finally catch up and everything suddenly doesn't look amazing.