Total Market-cap projection and the macro perspective.

By MrGoose83
It is our bet that Biden's executive order on crypto regulation to be released tomorrow will be favourable for the space giving rise to structured regulation and encourage institutional investors to safely onboard. That the FED will backtrack from their hawkish sentiment in January and turn dovish at least until the end of the year because a)It's mad to tighten into weakness, b)It's not lucrative for their pals on Wall street and c)It's not fun servicing 20 trillion $'s of debt. That the ongoing war in Ukraine will find a temporary diplomatic resolution. That there will be a melt up blow off top finale in the everything bubble which will give rise to a cataclysmic pop, a meteoric meltdown, the birth of a new financial era with central bank digital currencies and a decoupling of bitcoin from equities. Let's revisit this in 2 years.

If nothing else is true all long term data science models and TA metrics are looking good for the next stage up.

Remember... doing the opposite of the mainstream narrative is often fairly profitable.
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