Tron [TRX] to face price rejection at range high

By AMBCrypto_TA
TRX has been oscillating within the $0.0670 - $0.0710 range in the second half of May.

Price action has hit the range high and could expose TRX to more selling pressure.

A likely drop could offer a shorting opportunity targeting the support zone of $0.06700 - $0.06770 (cyan).

The zone was a crucial resistance in the second half of April but was flipped to support in May.

Entry: $0.07074 (below range high)
Target: $0.06700 (resistance-cum-support)
Stop-Loss: $0.07176 (above range high)

R:R - 3.9
Trade closed: stop reached

The setup was invalidated. TRX smashed the stop-loss, which lined up with a key bearish zone/price ceiling in Q1 2023/Q3 2022 (as seen in this zoomed-out D1 chart). Price action mounted above this zone.
Chart PatternsTechnical IndicatorsTrend AnalysisTRONtronshorttronshorttermtrontrxtronusdtronusdttrxusdttrxusdtechnicalanalysistrxusdtshort
