
TSLA going to $185 or I think $180

By sid72
I think we are going to see a pullback in TSLA to $185 or I think $180 most likely. After Powell's hint today that they might have to go back to .5% interest rate increases all the stocks are tumbling. I think and hope they keep it at .25% as they have done the last two rate increases. We don't want to see a Paul Volcker Economy and the fed would lose more trust after the 2022 debacle!! January inflation data was not good, and it is not looking much better for February and going into March. Will will know a lot more in this Friday (March 10th) report. Also next week is the CPI and PPI reports. This is before the Fed speaks on March 22 at the FOMC Meeting. Put on your helmets we may get crushed.....


Three things to keep your eyes on going forward:
  • 5 year breakeven chart (we want that to go down) (It has been rising recently until yesterday and today it took a nose dive after Powell Testified to Congress. That is good!!!)
  • CPI chart and data
  • PPI chart and data

These are what the Fed looks at to make their decisions...among other data
Since Biden admin and Powell called inflation ‘transitory’, US has seen 13 straight months of soaring costs! The last two rates hikes have held at .25%. Powell yesterday hinted that it may need to go back to .5% and stay longer. This hurts the credibility of the Fed especially after the "Transitory" comment which most financial analysts did not support. Until the housing market collapses the fed will not pull back and that most likely will be sometime in late 2023 or 2024.
TSLA did hit $180 today and bounced and is retesting. If the CPI and PPI numbers are hot next week I would not be holding stocks...... The Fed meets the 22nd and if those numbers are high then we are going back to .5% which will cripple the market.
This is all that matters at this point and will be determined March 22nd at the FOMC Fed Meeting

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