
Tesla Update: Still Playing Accordingly

Tesla is behaving according to the count I have set so far. I expect us to drop lower to at least tag $239 but it isn't required. Structurally we can have a retrace next for iv. After iv will be our last drop, for now at least. As I said in my last post, this could all be part of a main ABC retrace that will take a lot longer to complete. I am hoping this move will be done by Friday but I feel that is just wishful thinking. Best guess is this drags on into next week, with something that happens right before we want to buy, that will make us double guess ourselves. That's how it usually works anyway. Until then, good luck!

Bonam Fortunam,
Retrace was stronger than expected this a.m. We should head down from here ideally. If we go back up and breach today's high then we may have bottomed. I'm at work and can't watch it to closely, but will update as able. Tonight I will make another post too
Elliott WaveTrend Analysis

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Bonam Fortunam,

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