
This is why you don't join a crowded short

By MrRenev
People love a good comeback success story. "Every one bet against it but it proved them wrong" "Little guy really showed the big bullies".
Reality has a word to say, these stories are rare and 99% of the time there is no magical epic prove the mean bullies wrong comeback.

People just always want more "epic comebacks", more "faster sprinter" (that take more drugs), more "big hooooge monstruous bodybuilders" (that just take more drugs and look ridiculous), more coffee, more drugs, more stimulation, more flashy colors in their tv shows, more sugar, more taste, more dopamine rush, more porn, more extreme porn lmao.
The entire world is just a bunch of drug addicts "uuh coffee isn't a drug how dare you criticize my strong addictive warm dark liquid psychoactive CNS stimulant".

Tesla is stupid. Plain and simple. So many pro's know this that they are willing to pile up on an overcrowded short.
Sadly they forgot about Robinhood warriors. Doesn't matter if a company will never be profitable. Gullible novices can just keep buying. GUH!

I do not like going with the herd even if they are right. I do not care about missing out.
This is what this is. Maybe I do not know the whole story but it appears to me every one is just afraid of missing out, or they do not want to back off and let other speculators profit, sacrificing themselves for other greedy ones that can't let go, kind of like the crabs in a bucket thing.

Short interest has dropped recently, but it is still very high... It's at its lowest point since march 2019.

* So I said I would explain why I do not believe in science (except math but math should not be grouped with the rest there are fundamental differences to other sciences).
Yes, all science is a bunch of nonsense, AT THE MOMENT (because of the replication crisis, because of how rigorous scientists do no get rewarded but "productive" morons doing "groundbreaking" discoveries and spewing trash at a rapid rate do get rewarded and teach new scientists which creates more morons making more "alarming" discoveries and so on). TSLAQ is 100% reliant on ignorant people thinking CO2 is a dangerous poison as "groundbreaking" "innovative" "inspiring" scientists have explained to the sheeple. If people realise it's all ridiculous claims the hype for TSLAQ will drop like a rock.

Peter Higgs won the Nobel Prize (which is slowly becoming a complete joke) in 2013 for discovering a new Boson as well as the Higgs field and him finding a way to explain the mass of elementary particles the guy literally explained what mass was which is something every one should be wondering since childhood. Like where does mass come from? Why do photons have no (rest) mass?
And Peter Higgs said that today he would not be able to do this work today because he would not get hired as he is not "productive" enough by todays standards, that today academics are expected to "keep churning out papers".

So "science" is evolving into a joke where who has the most paper bowel movements and the most flashy science gets rewarded, it just snowballs and keeps getting worse at an exponential rate. The best get cast aside, the worse get rewarded more get more grants power etc so they select students and teach them to be more bad like them, and of those students that are already worse, the worse ones get the best jobs, then the next generation gets taught even more bad science AND the worse ones get selected more etc. Complete snowball into troll science of 74 genders and results that cannot be replicated and I can't even predict how dumb & dumber it is going to get if this does not get reversed.

So yeah, I just wanted to explain why I do not believe in science anymore, since I guess this would make me look like a complete flat earther to the majority of people that do not know about the problems science faces at the moment.

Do not join crowded short. Do your research and do not invest in emotional dream "we'll prove them wrong" hype garbage. Stay rational and ignore what the crowds thinks. I giggle when sheeple think I'm a moron.
The comments on the chart are too small for people to read so I am just copying them here:

- Bigger valuation than larger companies by any metrics, I think (to confirm)
they even have a bigger electric vehicle r&d budget which is so ridiculous.

- Not profitable ever, the only time they got in the green was because of
billions in taxpayer money because "low emissions bonus".

- Electric vehicles have existed for almost 200 years and it never worked out,
even in the 20s when germany had financial issues they used wood gas rather than this joke "electric motor".

- You can keep trying but you cannot beat the laws of physics: electric vehicles make little sense.
Oil >>>>> batteries. It's not a difference of 50% we can work on improving.
Oil has nearly 50 times the energy density batteries have. NOT EVEN CLOSE. Does. Not. Work. Won't. Ever.

- Management is important: Elon Musk is a celebrity CEO, for his all adulthood
he has been selling dreams but never actually accomplishing nothing,
he made billions off working on his image and acting super motivated and using this
"I will change the world" nonsense that common people eat up. He is bad.
All his clowning and manipulating works on people, doesn't work on the laws of the universe.

- All insiders dumped their stash except Musk himself, including Kimbal Musk.

- Now that crazy people that think the world is ending are being aggressive,
mainstream is paying attention to the climate change narrative, really looking into it more,
and discovering that it is a bunch of idiotic fantasies, like all the "groundbreaking" science being published,
I do not believe in science anymore (Ok I'll explain in this post*).
The climate hoax is not about money and power at all.


Over 90% of the population not so long ago believed a powerful space wizard would get angry at them if they did not follow certain rules such as not daring to claim the earth was not flat. So anything is possible. People didn't get much brighter or rational as far as I know.

Scientists desperate to get famous published or announced that they created a bacteria that could eat CO2 (strange that all the climate change lunatic activits do not care about this "solution" it's as if they were dishonest about their motives).

No amount of money is worth taking this risk.

What a time to be alive. Tesla at what like 100 times its rational valuation?
"History matters so we can learn from it and not repeat the same mistakes"
It just keeps getting worse lmao.

Predators, the weather, earth, are not culling out morons fast enough anymore.
I hope I am wrong but it looks overwhelming the amount of idiots out there.
Did it actually used to be worse? I have a hard time imagining that.
It is said we live in a more cognitive society. Ye but the smart are not reproducing that much and they throw free stuff and pity low grade jobs to the dumb which reproduce at fast rates.

Pointing and laughing at these climate lunatics - they are worse than flat earthers by the way - is fun until they become dangerous. Convinced over pessimistic cretins are always dangerous.

The good news is most of the CO2 that was lost other the eons ended up in calcium deposits (from sea critters shells etc) and we know how to turn that into CO2.

Tesla is valued over 100 Billion dollars. It's in the top 100 now. It is the only company in the top 100 that has negative earnings.
Even if you take its best earnings and consider it "works out becomes profitable" and gets this all the time (and it includes tax payer funding government "green" aid) the price to earnings ratio would be ridiculous, over 100, while most other top 100 companies have ratios of 20-30.

Even if a miracle happened the company would still be way overvalued.

Typical nonsense bubble. The UN/Greta ridiculous, idiotic, nonsensical, emotional speech really got to the emotional investors head. But alot of this is due to stubborn short sellers also I think. Like crabs in a bucket "I won't close my short so someone else can profit".

The majority of the Tesla bears community on twitter desevre some roasting anyway :D

I wonder how far this circus can go... Valuation doesn't mean how much money got put in but anyway... Crypto got 750 billion valuation, maybe that's the cap for scams? Tesla is a US company thought it's not as wordwide as ponzi-er I mean crypto schemes.

Volskwagen was the highest valuation company in the world back in the day when short sellers got burned.

Tesla, speculative gamble bubble for dumb money that has no clue how finance works and have to rely on luck, not smart thinking and skill, to maybe get lucky and get wealth they don't deserve because their reptilian brain says "money good".
Beyond Technical AnalysiselectriccarsStocksteslaTrend AnalysisTesla Motors (TSLA)tslaq
