By NaughtyPines
TSLA announces earnings tomorrow after market close, so look to put on any volatility contraction play (short strangle/iron condor) before then. You'll naturally want to tweak these strikes if there is any movement during the market day ... .

Short Strangle

Feb 19th 111/180 short strangle
Probability of Profit: 74%
Max Profit: 404/contract
Buying Power Effect: Undefined

Feb 19th 106/111/180/185 iron condor
Probability of Profit: 70%
Max Profit: 101/contract
Buying Power Effect: $400

Notes: I'm probably not going to play this one, since I'm still working off FB and have DIS and BIDU on, as well as a bunch of other index ETF balls I'm juggling ... .

TSLA up to 157 after hours post-earnings. Would've been well within the short strikes of my setups ... .
Earningsironcondoroptions-strategypremium-sellingshortstrangleTesla Motors (TSLA)
