
A look at the 10 most owned stocks by robinhood users 😂

By MrRenev
"Countertrend trading" and "We are oversold" these sentences just sound so stupid, I have a hard time believing this is a thing.

Here are a few of my finest comparisons:

"I put a pillow on my face and practice suffocated breathing".

"I compete in sprints with my legs tied together" Huh but why? "Well 2 legs have more power than 1 obviously duh silly" You keep losing! "YES BECAUSE THEY ALL CHEAT AND ALL KNOWING INSTITUTIONS MANIPULATE THE RACES!".

"I put my hand on the stove and now I am overburned way more than I should be, I will therefore keep my hand on and put the second one, should heal anytime".

"Counteroxygen breathing", "Countergravity jumping", "Counterheat cooking", "Countermudtorrent walking", "Counterultratide kayaking"...

"Stop buying umbrellas during this rainy season you fools! Don't you see we are overbought?", "Go to the pump station and fill your full car tank so you can stay at home don't you see Oil is oversold?", "Stop buying & drinking water during this heat wave you fools don't you see we are overbought?", "Stop buying ventilators and masks in this respiratory disease season you fools don't you see we are overbought?", "Stop avoiding sky stations in the summer we are oversold", "Why am I sunbathing by -5°C? Well clearly you are a noob and didn't notice seaside resort are very oversold this winter!"

It sounds so wrong xd

So, what are retail investors holding? First of all Tesla is not in the top 3 anymore, they have fallen to only #19. You have heard the theory a million times, and here the practical side of things confirms it: they hold and average in losers, they close at breakeven or take profit very quickly, they avoid winners, they get excited and buy at the top when the price goes parabolic.


Robinhood users have beautiful taste as you will see now.

Now, the top 10:


ACB was very oversold when wise & sophisticated investors took this opportunity. Aha! It got much cheaper, they can buy more now. They sure know how to smell a great deal.


Buying a car manufacturer on a downtrend for years and year, with declining sales and many financial issues, at the bottom clearly about to collapse and capitulate, smart, very smart. Buy parabolically as the stock capitulates? Pure genius. RSI at 7.50 was below 20.


Yes, in times of crisis companies with bad fundamentals and in a downtrend for 2 decades tend to do very well. Excellent perceptiveness by millenial retail investors.


Putting money in companies losing money and ignoring productive companies sounds like a great way to make a country prosper.


WallStreetBets legends have been spotted betting on another success story. How much lower can it go it's already down 97%. You don't loose if you don't sell.


(Multi)National-Socialist Umbrella corps time is soon over, I knew it! I can't wait for the big tech bubble to deflate. *Kondratiev


I... I don't know what to say... This is... They have the right to vote... I'm scared... That's some serious mental disability... Idk if I can laugh about it...


Not going to bother commenting. Same as previous.


I am thinking of shorting it but it's best if I stick to my own domain. Those investors stupidity is astonishing, I am not joking, I am shocked and even a bit worried.


Here's the top 10.

Hey, but what about highly performing stocks?

Unsurprisingly most of the top perf stocks are those expected to be a major part of the next Kond. cycle, and are seen as very important at the moment (but at the same time poor countries with old drugs are doing better than rich countries so... we'll see).


Quick check of a biotech company not in the "best performing" ones (which are mostly small ones) but a rather big name that is in the S&P500 (barely thought) and doign very well:


That's really something. Can you imagine how bad the world would be if there were no professional investors? Or if idiots keep reproducing at the current rate and smart women keep "focussing on their careers". 200 investors. That's it. OrganiGram has 90 thousand (265M market cap versus 10B for BIO). They'd rather invest in 4000 other companies rather than this one.

What about another top performer, Kodiak Sciences (2.25B mcap)?


They're not making positive earnings yet, but this is a growth stock, and we all know robinbros don't look at that, and we know they don't hold for years or decades.


RobinTrack is going to become my main indicator...



There are no big tank storage companies in the US I'm sad I wanted to check that. I already know what the result would be thought.

What about the FMCG sector?


Doing very well in this period of course (especially in the toilet paper area)

Delivery also doing good


Let's look at another top performer, a small cap...


I think that's enough, I made my point. I did not cherry pick the worse possible examples.
These people are STUUUUUPID. They are way too stupid to be trading even simple instruments in a protected environement and with regulations to protect them.
You can throw all the regulations you want, they will still be stupid and do dumb things.
And they think they can get their foot into Oil futures & other complex products.

Tough love: If you constantly fight the trend and let your losers run you are an idiot and you will lose everything.
There is a reason why the best in the world keep repeating the same advice.

10 years later... still waiting for the big recovery (also remember the ETF loses money, it means that when Oil goes down it goes down MORE, and when Oil goes up it doesn't go up as much).


Log chart



I wonder if there is a forum, well there are several but for them in particular. They're probably discussing new ways to buy that cheap cheap Oil.

Maybe they buy some cheap Brent now, that hasn't yet hit the ground and we haven't heard of extreme storage issue (althought big tanker storage companies have said they were near full a few days ago & the entire fleet has been called to store).

basicscountertrendretailtradersRisk ManagementTrading PlanTrading Psychologytrend
