
TSLA Weekly Longterm LONG

By AwesomeAvani
TSLA is here on the weekly chart. I have added a couple of anchored VWAPs and their

standard deviations to the chart itself. The two indicators are the zerio-lag MACD which

shows upgoing lines crossing the zero horizontal line and a positive histogram. The Price Volume

Trend indicator shows a cross and consistent upgoing action since February 1, 2023. The chart

itself shows price to have crossed over the two mean VWAPs 4 weeks ago which is confirm-

atory for bullish momentum. TSLA pivoted up from the second deviation below the mean

VWAPs about February 1st. My target is $360 the present level of the second deviation lines

(red) above the mean VWAP confluent with the horizontal resistance zone of the highs

from November 2022 January 2023 and April 2023 all a triple top of sorts. I am highly

bullish on TSLA overall given its progress in autonomous driving, charging station

station infrastructure, deal making with F GM and RIVN insofar as charging standards

and cooperative ventures as well as obvious signs of growth with Cybertruck production,

and new plants in Mexico and potentially Spain and India. I have purchased ten options

striking $350 with a December 2023 expiration. I have call options expiring in August

and September. I expect to roll them out for more than a year to minimize the tax treatment

of expected significant profits.
anchoredvwapanchoredvwapsevsectorevstocksMoving AveragesmuskoptionstradingOscillatorsTesla Motors (TSLA)TSLLVolumevwapbands
