TSLA Iron Condor Continuation

By Synaptic724
TSLA looks to be trending lower as it continues toward its destination I plan to capture some profits using an iron condor.

IV is really high at around 50

180/185/240/245 $150/350 Profit/Risk June 21 EXP

Profit Target to be expected by June 10-14

Profit Target is $80 max loss is $160

This is a journal entry and not trading advice.
Changed strikes to 165/170/235/240
Trade closed manually
I took a profit of $48 I didn't end up taking my original target of $80 a few days ago when I had the chance, I ended up getting out of the trade due to their investor meeting today which ended up being a good move as it moved to 224. I ended up wanting to hold till exp to get the full profit.

Weaknesses - Hesitation, Greed
Strengths - Planning, Execution, Timing
Chart PatternscondorironcondorironcondorsteslaTesla Motors (TSLA)
