By NaughtyPines
I generally don't like to ride broncos right out of the stall, but I might make an exception here ... .

This is because the Oct 21st 45 short put is currently bid 3.00, ask 3.80 (mid 3.40). That's $340 in premium for a one contract 58 and change underlying ... .


Sept 16th 45 short put: bid .95, ask 1.11, mid 1.03.
Oct 21st 40 short put: bid 1.65, ask 2.10, mid 1.87.

I wouldn't be looking to acquire here, but rather to just squeeze some premium out and would look to take it off at 50% max profit. Broncos can make for an awfully rough ride ... . Ordinarily, I'd strangle this, but am hesitant to take on potential upside risk if this becomes a rocket sled sorta thang ... .
I had to putz with setups (as usual). Ultimately, I decided not to "hang naked on the bronco" (i.e., sell a put), so I went with a fairly wide short put vertical -- a Sept 16th 41/49 for a 1.37 ($137)/contract credit. Because I don't like riding roller coasters, I'll probably bail at 50% max.
This thing's a roller coaster, but I knew it would be going in. Today, I sold the long put of the spread for a small profit and then rolled the 49 short put down and out to the Oct 7th expiry for an additional .70 ($70) credit to give the trade a little more room to breathe. Additionally, the bid/ask in the options is quite wide, so just having the naked without the long will make adjustments easier.
Rolled the Oct 7th 46.5 to the Oct 21st 46 for an additional .76 credit. This is probably what I should have done in the first instance; the spreads in the weeklies are butt ugly wide ... .
Looking to exit this with a small profit tomorrow at the mid (a 2.95 debit), which would result in about a 45/contract net profit. I don't want this to turn into a loser, since managing a loser with these wide bid/asks will be a headache ... .
Trade closed manually
Filled at the open for a 2.95 debit; net profit 45/contract.
