
UBX wasn't good enough for Binance?!

The people of Ubix Network wanded to list their coin at Binance but got rejected. Why? Because Ubix has their own exchange (DEX) + free listing!
I mean, Binance or not Ubix is going with or without! I lost a lot of respect for Binance, knowing how discriminate great projects just take a good look here... Binance is a centralized exchange for something, very disappointing to say is the least.

Was this an act of envy because Ubix Exchanges offers free listing? What does the people think let me know in the comments bellow. I don't believe in coincidence, Binance is competing against every exchange they can. So why not deny a request to be listed of a soon to be the greatest protocols ever existed?
This my dear friends tells a lot about centralized exchanges and how they operate, put the small guys down whatever it takes. Well you failed Binance, Ubix doesn’t need partners operating in envy. Well done, bravo!

Coinbase, here is a shot to be better then Binance!
binancecoinbaseDEXFundamental Analysisubixexchangeubixnetwork
