$UGAZ: Natural Gas NG is Looking for Direction

By tradexchart
Natural Gas July futures NG gapped up on the open from $1.63 to $1.75, but then dropped to $1.71. 2 Hr MACD chart crossed forming some sort of consolidation zone. NG is trading higher July contracts.
The fundamentals remain bearish: oversupplied condition vs. low demand. For the next two weeks, the weather is not expected to be hot enough to generate substantial demand. Although, the economy is re-opening, we may remain in oversupplied territory at least until June. The US natural gas rig count fell only by 1 (EIA), meaning production is still high.

UGAZ: A divergence between price and momentum has been observed on the 2 Hr chart, pointing toward near-term higher prices, or consolidation. RSI is in oversold territory. A near-term resistance for UGAZ is seen at $19-$21 level. NG showed nearest resistance at $1.75. If we can break through this level, then the price can go higher toward $1.8-$2.0. That may bring UGAZ to $25-$27 level, if natural gas prices rebound sharply during this week. Otherwise, lower levels should be expected. If NG stays low for the next 2-3 weeks, UGAZ may drift down into $8-$12 range.
The pattern emerging on NG 4 hr chart is reminiscent of the consolidation period between 3/16 and 3/30. New lows are still possible before we go higher.
As we are approaching a high cooling demand summer period and re-opening of the economy, natural gas demand is expected to rise, although, gradually. Without sharp rise in demand, or sharp decline in supply, NG prices will remain capped.
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