Amidst The World's Greatest Beauties Are Its Ruins

By JerryManders
ULTA has been dodging fate for too long, anytime its indicated shorting opp. in 2022 it somehow finds new legs and treads higher. In my charts I use colors in accordance with their interpretation, so I didn't mean to paint this red it just only warranted red drawings, glamour stain tears goes with the pearls.. anyway:

- Nasty expanding triangle with Distribution, earnings as a catalyst to finally tank this (it needs a healthy pullback to continue growth over the years, good company, ugly chart)
- Bearish Harmonic more noticeable on the daily that indicates potential for pre-earnings run up to low 400s (around 410-413).. This would be ideal entry point for short position, looking at December puts
- Very similar setup to ULTA earnings in August 2019 (if you aren't familiar with its chart here is what happened: gap down from 330 to 230 on Earnings miss; this has seasonality based on the business and August report generally under-performs, especially when at reversal point w.r.t. chart structure, such as currently)


* Gap down following Earnings August 25th to the 295-330 range, followed by dead-cat bounce and continued downside
** Minimum Downside target by December 2022 is 223
*** If things get nasty it could get hit to 67 but I wouldn't bank on this because it will squeeze at some point after 223
Beyond Technical AnalysisdistributionexpandingtriangleHead and ShouldersTechnical Indicatorsmakeup
