BTC is the MASTER of THE UNIVERSE at least the crypto universe

Like evil Skeletor... BTC has its crypto MINIONS, binance, cardano, polkadot, ripple, uniswap, theta, and litecoin..... When there is stress in the crypto market, there is an incredible amount of correlation in the charts!! REMEMBER THIS, you have to look at the flagship, to see what colors the rest of the armada will wave. LOOK AT THE LIGHT GREEN BOX!.

You always here everyone whining about correlation... but it is made very obvious here.

You can use this link for analysis of correlation.

Quote: (in case you wondered why there are so many stupid leaders!)
"Success in almost any field depends more on energy and drive than it does on intelligence. This explains why we have so many stupid leaders." - Sloan Wilson
btccorrelationBTCUSDTcorrelationcorrelationsFundamental Analysis
