Uranium the anti-COVID

By flyinkiwi10
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No, not as a treatment - please don't inject uranium as a treatment (if Uranium came in a bottle it would need a warning for Americans).

Competition? What I mean is that Uranium has been on a run starting from when the equity markets showed weakness - and has yet to show signs of slowing. I'm not sure what the relationship is yet, as crude, coal, and natural gas are down in 2020, which would make them more competitive as energy sources.

Energy Security? It could be that crude, coal, natural gas, wind turbines, and solar panels all have rather long, and as we have seen, potentially vulnerable supply chains. Maybe, it is about energy security. Uranium needs for the US aren't all mined at home so that wouldn't account for it - although adding supply from long-standing allies like Australia could probably supply the needs of North America while having security of supply.

Is it about the environment? That could be part of the picture - as long as everything is well managed. There is that "catastrophic and uninsurable" hazard if things go wrong. The energy itself is clean, although the capital expenditure is considerable. Finding a long-term storage place for the waste hasn't been solved yet in the US.

Hard assets? Expectations of future inflation in light of historic levels of quantitative easing and currency printing are possibly driving the search for hard assets with use-value. As I look around the markets, very little appears undervalued. Equities, bonds, treasuries, gold all appear to be, if not over-valued, then not cheap. The most popular store of value in the world, and the destination of huge amounts of funds: treasuries don't even seem to be worth a second look at the moment and any up-tick in interest would wipe out a significant portion of those positions.

Expectations of an up-tick in military demand? I certainly hope not.

End of the bear? Maybe it has been long enough after Fukushima that people see an undervalued commodity. There has been a significant rise in plans for new nuclear power plants.

Anyone have any plausible fundamental analysis to add?

To $16 next before bounce
GoldtreasuriesTrend Analysisuranium
