Possible USD/CAD Short Position

By SMPTrader

Chart time frame - H8
Timeframe - 1-2 weeks
Actions on -
A – Activating Event
Currency Pair creating a Double Top. USD will move north again over the next couple of weeks which will help line up the trade
B – Beliefs
Market will be rejected at @1.33314 level and move towards the first Target 1 level @ 1.31 level.


Trade Management
Entered @ Still waiting for confirmation
Stop Loss @ 1.341
Target @1.31
Risk/Reward @ 3:1

Happy trading. Will let you know closer to the time if or when executed

CADChart PatternsDouble Toph4h8Technical IndicatorstargettimeframeTrade ManagementTrend AnalysisUSDusdcadshort
Follow your Trading plan, Remain disciplined and keep learning !!

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