**My Forecasts**

as price had broken out from a daily ascending channel price seem to be developing a larger correction, will be looking on how price reacts to the lows of the pattern if it rejects for a possible short term buys or price breaks through it and develops further continuation

- will be looking for a short term sell on the larger expanding developing an take price to the lows of the daily pattern, if price completes the 3rd touch of the expanding and if price get there with corrective price action ideally with a 123 LTF reversal pattern will be looking for a RE or a phase line break but failing that will be looking for a push down and a 15min flag
- alternatively if price get to the lows of the daily, will be looking for the short term buys if price get to the lows with a clean 123 reversal pattern will be looking for a Re or a phase line break on the 3rd touch, but if price get messy on the areas will be looking for a clean rejection from the areas and take push up and 15min or h1 flag

**My Forecasts**

after had a daily impulsive wave to the upside price seem to be developing a large daily bull flag and could be offering a short term sell to take price top the daily lows of the pattern. price approaching the double top of the potential bull flag with a form of a ascending channel for the short term sell

- if price complete the 3rd touch of the larger ascending channel and if price get there with a 123 LTF reversal pattern will be looking for a RE or phase line break on the 3rd touch but if price get messy at the areas will be take a 15min or h1 flag after we get a clean rejection from the areas
- alternatively if price doesn't make it to the 3rd touch of the pattern and rejects of the double top will be looking for a clear push down and take a h1 flag only on the over ride scenario

**My Forecasts**

similar to NJ after an impulsive wave to the upside price seem to be developing a larger daily bull flag but could provide a short term sell from the double top of the pattern to the lows. and price is approaching the double in a form of a ascending channel

- as price had completed the 3rd touch of the ascending channel if price break back into the pattern with a clear push down will be looking for a h1 flag only
- alternatively if price keep correcting and makes it way to the daily double top and creates a 123 extension of the pattern will be looking for RE or a phase line break on the 3rd touch of the extension, but if price gets messy at the areas will be looking for a 15min or h1 flag if we get a clean rejection from the areas
- staying neutral as HTF is pointing to the upside if price impulsive break above the double top will be looking for price to develop a bull flag ideally visible on the H4 and will be looking to take a RE or phase line break the bottom of the bull flag or if price doesn't provide and entry will be looking for a push and and take a flag with a flag either a 15min or h1 flag

**My Forecasts**

price is sitting on a daily double top will be looking what price develops in the areas to see where price might go next

- if price develops a clean bull flag ideally visible on the h4 and above the ray line will be looking for a RE or phase line break at the bottom of the bull flag, or price gets messy will be taking a flag with in a flag wither on the 15min or h1
- alternatively if price decide to impulsive break back into the pattern will be looking for a clear h1 flag with 2 top and 2 bottom filtered on the 15min, ideally we get a solid push down the down side visible on the h1 and h4 time frame

**My Forecasts**

price is approaching a daily double bottom and getting there in a form of a daily descending channel for a potential buy

- if price get to the daily double bottom and develops an extension of the pattern will be looking for a RE or phase line break on the 3rd touch of the pattern, but if price gets messy at the areas will be looking for a push and take a 15min or h1 flag
- alternatively if price doesn't make it to the double bottom since price already completed the 3rd touch of the channel if price decide to break back into the pattern and pushes up early will be taking a h1 flag only

**My Forecasts**

price is contained with a large daily expanding pattern and had just recently broken out for the middle section for a potential short term sell to take price to the upside to complete the 3rd touch of the daily expanding

- after price had broken out of the middle section will be looking for price to develop a clean correction ideally a larger flag visible in the h4 will be taking a RE or phase line break at the bottom of the correction but if price doesn't provide a RE entry will be looking to take a flag with in a flag either on the 15min or the h1

**My Forecasts**

price is contained with a larger daily ascending channel and price had broken out of the middle section of the pattern and now trending to the upside to complete the 3rd touch of the daily pattern

- as price had recently impulsive broken out of a larger flag will be looking for a clean h1 flag after the break ideally with 2 top and 2 bottom filtered on the 15min
- alternatively price could still develop another larger correction before to could make it way to the top of the daily pattern, if price develops a larger bull flag ideally visible on the h4 will be taking a RE or phase line break at the bottom of the larger flag, or failing that will be taking a flag with in a flag either on the 15min or h1 if we get a solid rejection from the bottom of the larger flag

**My Forecasts**

price is approaching the edge of the daily expanding pattern for a potential buy to take price to the upside one more time complete the large daily pattern and break the over all daily double tops

- if price get to the bottom of the daily pattern and develops a nice reversal pattern ideally visible on the h4 (descending channel) will be looking for a RE or a phase line break on the 3rd touch or if price get messy at the areas will be looking for a clean rejection and take a 15min or h1 flag for the buys


**My Forecasts**

price is contained with a daily expanding pattern for a potential short term sell to the upside to complete the 3rd touch of the expanding

- as price had rejected from the bottom of the daily pattern price seem to be developing a larger bull flag to take price to the upside to complete the daily pattern, will be looking for a RE or phase line break at the bottom of the larger bull flag if price get to the areas correctively, but alternatively if price get messy at the areas will be looking for a clean rejection and take a flag with in a flag either on the 15min or the h1, given if I have enough room to manage my stop before the top of the larger correction

**My Forecasts**

price is contained with a daily descending channel and seem to be trending to the downside to test the lows of the pattern or even complete the 3rd touch of the descending channel

- as price had impulsive break out of a running channel will be looking for a clean h1 flag ideally with 2 tops and 2 bottoms filtered on the 15min
- alternatively the if price develop another larger correction ideally visible on the h4 will be taking a RE or phase line break at the top of the larger flag, but if price get messy at h top of the larger correction will be looking to take a flag with a flag either on the 15min or h1 flag
Chart PatternsTrend Analysis
