QE Effects on SP500,USD/JPY,10Y-BONDS,DXY

By shuyatake
From the effects of QE in the past, I want to prepare for the risk in "QE3-end" in the future.

I understand that Falling Stock-Price and Rising Bonds has occurred after "QE-end".
I want to pay attention to lower interest rates after "QE-end".
However, Stock price rise thereafter.
This is the key?

We are confronted at time of "rate hike", this is different from the past two times.
Reaction to this is what about?

Market being aware of "rate hike" will be a support factor for USD.
But, it is also downside risk of US-Stock.
DOWDXYfedfrbQEqe2qe3S&P 500 (SPX500)USDusdindexUSD (US Dollar)yellen
