Sweden: Let's drop ancient history from school curriculum

By MrRenev
in Sweden, unsurprisingly, they are getting to the "book burning" step. They want to replace their history with their political agenda thing: in favor of gender roles & postmodernism.
I think this is not the first time it was proposed thought, but they are testing it each time, and getting closer to passing this law/act.
Source: rt.com/news/469785-swedish-schools-drop-history-postmodernism/

Pretty clear what is going on here. One would have to be blind to not see they are going full insane just like every other socialist dictatorships including the NAZIs they hate so much. Lmao what idiot would still argue "everything is fine". Literally burning books and rewritting history. What's next? Gulag death camps for "those evil white skinned blonde haired right wingers"? This IS the next step you know... Always has been always will be.

We'd have to look at other socialist countries.
Now the NAZI GNP went way up after 1932, but they were a mix of far right and far left.
The book burning did not stop the growth.

I think it is possible not likely but possible the swedes pump their stock market.
Make sure there can be no infinite loss.

All socialist/communist "book burning" places went way down.
Now going to get into it here, an idea is too small to make an in depth analysis, but it would be necessary.
Before shorting & holding OR simply to build your bias for short term trades (all short preferably & then run your winner as long as possible).

The global "economy", the world stock markets have a long way down to go. In 2000 & 2008 the FED kept cutting rates, but they weren't negative or close to that like now.
When the bond market bubble implodes the FED will be powerless. Yields are negative. It's literally a ponzi. Or call it a greater fool game. You lose money for holding bonds. Only hope is price go up as bigger idiots buy after you.
If they keep cutting like -5% people just get 5% a damn year for taking money. I don't see how this cannot end up like Zimbabwe or 1920s Germany.

All I see is a great reset, they HAVE to let it all crash, and hope it slowly recovers... Tensions especially in the US and UK will get worse... More gilets jaunes too, more terrorism, all that stuff.


Here is what is possible, this is much after the big fall of the soviet union, so it's not "that bad". It sure isn't the worse that can happen.

I'd like to show what happened to the soviet union:

East europe after 1990 got known as "the third world poor people place".
Absolute RUIN.

Mind you, the soviet union had oil, loads of it.
And its not like the price crashed in the early 90s, actually went up.
So they were still able to sell their oil at high prices and cushion the fall.

Venezuela has oil too. Cambodge did not. North Korea don't have Oil. And they returned to the middle ages.
Zimbabwe had no oil. Absolute ruin, nothing left.
Heard how poor east germany was? Keep in mind they had russia helping them out and when russia crashed, they had west germany.

Sweden has no oil... And no Oil country sending it money & goods.

It's going to be biblical.
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