Opening (IRA): USO April 19th 66 Monied Covered Call

By NaughtyPines
... for a 64.51 debit.

Comments: IV of 32.3%.

Selling the -75 call against a one lot of stock to emulate a 25 delta short put with built-in short call defense.


Cost Basis in Stock/Break Even/BPE: 64.51/share
Max Profit: 1.49
ROC at Max: 2.31%
ROC at 50% max: 1.15%
Trade closed: target reached
Hit 50% max today, closing for a 65.26 debit. .75 ($75) profit; 1.16% ROC as a function of buying power effect.
Beyond Technical AnalysismoniedcoveredcalloptionsstrateigesUSO
