As I pointed out before this is a bears dream and while I have placed other trades over the years, with very few exceptions all I do is buy Long Term Puts on UVXY. I made a comment on another post that it would take Armageddon to make UVXY appreciate that is not entirely true. While there is a chance the position could appreciate 10-20% at some point in time, the one thing that is an absolute certainty is that appreciation is NOT sustainable.

With all due respect to other parties, trying to predict when UVXY may pop or using graphs/technical analysis in regards to UVXY is like using witchcraft to predict the future....but I’d have more faith in witchcraft in predicting the future than I would using graphs or technical analysis to predict UVXY. Except for the occasional speed bump UVXY only knows one direction and that is straight down. The first clue that this the Clifford with fleas is the NINE REVERSE SPLITS it has had since its inception in October 2011. If you are calling for an increase in price for UVXY I have to wonder what your upside target is for HMNY. Many a genius has lost their rear by “calling” an increase in UVXY. The reason why is simple. You can not predict the impossible.
Beyond Technical AnalysisTrend Lineswidowmaker
